Virtual Health Library

Virtual Health Library

Scientific Literature

Scientific Literature

  • General Health Sciences
    Access to scientific and technical literature bibliographic national and international databases allowing access to the full documents available online or through the Cooperative Service for Accessing Documents.
  • Specialized Areas
    Access to specialized and thematics bibliographic databases operated in the VHL of Scientific and Technical production about health of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. With reference to any type of document: periodicals, magazine articles, books, theses, papers presented at scientific meetings, technical and scientific reports, projects and non-conventional documents.
  • International Agencies
    Access to databases coordinated by the Libraries of Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO), operated within the VHL that contains bibliographic references, abstracts, periodicals articles, among other documents in the health field. Available in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  • Evidence Portal
    The Evidence Portal of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) unites, organizes, and offers integrated access to health information sources of better level of evidence in agreement with the Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) methodology, and access to information sources about the EBM methodology itself. It has as aim to promote the use of the information of better level of evidence to support the decision-making processes in health care and management, as well as to the process of development of new evidence-based studies and application of the EBM methodology.
  • Virtual Campus of Public Health
    Decentralized network of individuals, institutions and organizations that shares courses, resources, services and education activities. The common objective is improve the subject in Public Health. Virtual Campus of Public Health makes an extensive use of new technologies and networks of health education and aims to become a space for creativity and innovation in developing policies and procedures for continuing health education.
  • HIL- Health Information Locator
    LIS - Health Information Locator is a catalog of relevant health sites, selected according to quality criteria. The content is constituted by metadata that describes information sources available in the internet, pointing to the hypertext links. LIS applies a methodology based on the Dublin Core and GILS formats (Global Information Locator Service).
  • Health Terminology
    The health Terminology aims to improve and standardize terms, concepts and acronyms used by BIREME and related entities, promoting recuperation, access, disclosure and dissemination of knowledge and health information.
  • Document Access
    Provides access to documents in the area of health sciences.

Latin-American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information
Rua Botucatu, 862 • cep:04023-901 • São Paulo/SP • Brasil
Tel: (55 11) 5576-9800 • Fax: (55 11) 5575-8868